Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Movie - Moscow on the Hudson

I've looked Moscow on the Hudson movie (Moskau in New York).

Movie Premier in 1984.

DOWNLOAD Moscow on the Hudson MOVIE NOW!

Alternate Versions: CBS edited 19 minutes from this film for its 1986 network television premiere.
FAKE: Whenever Vladimir plays the saxophone, he is clearly not playing the music heard (the fingering is off and there doesn't seem to be any particular rhyme or reason to his breathing)., FACT: Orlando and Vladimir's "Korean Cab Driver" speaks in Japanese after Orlando berates him for missing a turn. ("Gaijin urusai! Monku, monku!" -- "Annoying foreigner! Complain! Complain!"), FAKE: All license plates on Moscow cars are obviously fakes, especially the ones on the KGB's Volga., FAKE: Road signs in Moscow scenes are messy. For instance, Vladimir passes sign "no vehicles allowed" and some meters after you can see the sign "parking forbidden" which means a vehicle suppose to disrespect 1st sign to succeed in disrespecting then the 2nd., CONT: When we see Vladimir and Anatoly in NY bus the window is clear. Some moments after it's dusty enough for Anatoly to spell FREEDOM! on it., DATE: Back in 1980s the only foreign public bus purchased by USSR was Hungarian Ikarus, while definitely different buses were used for filming Moscow. Also the truck selling gasoline suppose to be military judging by its khaki color, which MUST be Soviet made, but is obviously foreign., DATE: In the USSR of the 1980s even teenagers weren't acquainted with middle finger gesture, let alone an 80-year-old man doing it towards KGB officers., CHAR: In Ivanov's Moscow apartment he greets his family "utro" ("morning" in English). But it doesn't work in Russian. The only correct way is to say it in full "dobroe utro" (good morning). Obviously but mistakenly copied from common way to cut it short in English - "morning".
Cop: This is New York City. A man can do whatever he wants., Vladimir Ivanoff: In Moscow we fought for an inch of freedom! Here you take it and pour shit all over it., Lionel Witherspoon, Bloomingdales Security Officer: Fags! Everywhere!, Anatoly Cherkasov: An artist without freedom is like a bird without wings., Lionel Witherspoon, Bloomingdales Security Officer: [as a clearly nervous Vladimir pours water over himself in Bloomingdale's] What do you think you're doing?::Vladimir Ivanoff: I defect.::Lionel Witherspoon, Bloomingdales Security Officer: Not here, you don't. There's a men's room down the hall., Boris, KGB man: [speech given before going to America]::[in Russian]::Boris, KGB man: Stay away from places like the Subway.::Boris, KGB man: [looks towards Yuri]::Yuri: [now in English] Times Square,::Boris, KGB man: uh, Teems Square,::Yuri: Greenich Villlage::Boris, KGB man: uh, Grenich yillage,::Yuri: Rockefeller Center::Boris, KGB man: Kak? [Russian for "What?]::Yuri: Rockefeller Center::Boris, KGB man: Reekafeller Tsyenter::Yuri: [shrugs]::Boris, KGB man: [shrugs], Orlando Ramirez, Vladimir's Cuban Lawyer: My father was called Orlando. He rolled the finest cigars in Havana. "Orlando el Rey," they called him..."Orlando the King." Then Castro came along and my father was on his ass.::Vladimir Ivanoff: Castro is a great man.::Orlando Ramirez, Vladimir's Cuban Lawyer: Castro is a Cuban bullshit artist who has been taken in by Russian bullshit artists!, french man on bus: [first lines]::french man on bus: Excuse me, sir. Does this bus go to the Lincoln Center?, Anatoly Cherkasov: O ok, ok, ok. Let's practice our English.::Vladimir Ivanoff: Ok.::Anatoly Cherkasov: Ok, let us practice. You start.::Vladimir Ivanoff: Hello, Mifter...::Anatoly Cherkasov: Mister.::Vladimir Ivanoff: Mister.::Anatoly Cherkasov: Mister.::Vladimir Ivanoff: Mister. Hello, Mister, may I buy lamb chop?::Anatoly Cherkasov: Sure thing, Mister.::Vladimir Ivanoff: Do you read Ernest Hemingway?::Anatoly Cherkasov: Every Fucking Day.::Vladimir Ivanoff: Kiss me, beautiful. Beautiful? Beatuiful. I love you., Vladimir Ivanoff: You don't look like Marxist.::Veronica Cohen: I'm not. I'm a humanist. What does a marxist look like anyway?::Vladimir Ivanoff: Usually has beard, mustache.::Veronica Cohen: A-ha, the women too?::Vladimir Ivanoff: In Russia, especially women.::[Anatoly waves a small american flag at Vladiimir from across the room]::Vladimir Ivanoff: Excuse me, I a... happy to talk to you, but I must now to make toilet., Vladimir Ivanoff: I read about slavery.::Lionel Witherspoon, Bloomingdales Security Officer: Yeah, with slavery at least the work was steady.::Vladimir Ivanoff: Sounds like Russia. [Lionel starts laughting] I make joke. That's ok. I feel to make joke in other language, is all good. O.K.::Lionel Witherspoon, Bloomingdales Security Officer: O.K., Vladimir Ivanoff: Yesterday I bought my first pair of American shoes. They were made in Italy., Vladimir Ivanoff: That be two big Macs, one quarter pounder with cheese, six pieces chicken McNuggets, two boxes Ronald McDonald cookies, one order McFries, two chocolate McShakes. Meh that to go?::Woman in McDonalds: No, I eat it here.::Vladimir Ivanoff: Come back McSoon., The Judge: Ladies and Gentlemen, good morning. Today you will become citizens of the United States of America. No longer are you an Englishman, Italian, a Pole or whatever, neither will you be a hyphenated American. From this day you are no longer a subject of a governement, but an intergal part of the government, a free man. May you find in this nation the fulfillment of your dreams of Peace and Security, and may America in turn never find you wanting in your new proud role of citizen of the United States. Will the petitioners please rise. Now let us take the oath of allegiance., [last lines]::Vladimir Ivanoff: [voice over as he plays his saxophone in the park] This is a free country, welcome to almost anyone. And I'm hoping someday maybe you will join me here. Of course I will continue to write to you every week. Yes, in America almost anything is possible. Goodbye for now my beloved family. I love you. Voyia, Vladimir's Grandfather: [in Russian] There are whores in Gorky Park who have carved my name into trees!
Soundtrack: "FREEDOM" Written by 'David McHugh (I)' (qv) Produced by 'Chaka Khan (I)' (qv) and 'David McHugh (I)' (qv) Performed by 'Chaka Khan (I)' (qv) Courtesy of Warner Bros. Records, "STARTING OVER" Written by 'David McHugh (I)' (qv) Produced by 'Chaka Khan (I)' (qv) and 'David McHugh (I)' (qv) Performed by 'Chaka Khan (I)' (qv) Courtesy of Warner Bros. Records, "PEOPLE UP IN TEXAS" Written & Performed by 'Waylon Jennings' (qv) Courtesy of RCA Records, "LONG DAY" Written by 'David McHugh (I)' (qv) Produced by 'The Motels' (qv) and 'David McHugh (I)' (qv) Performed by 'The Motels' (qv) Courtesy of Capitol Records, "SUENOS" Written & Produced by 'David McHugh (I)' (qv) Performed by 'Maria Conchita Alonso' (qv) Courtesy of A&M Records, "PARTY TRAIN" Written by Lonnie Simmonds, Charlie Wilson, Ronnie Wilson & Rudy Taylor Performed by 'The Gap Band' (qv) Courtesy of Total Experience Records, "BLUE TOWNS" Composed by Andrey Petrov, "IT'S POSSIBLE" Composed by Arkadii II'ich Ostrovskii
In one scene, a cinema is showing An Unmarried Woman, directed by 'Paul Mazursky' (qv), the director of Moscow on the Hudson.
Gross: $25,100,000 (USA)
Budget: $13,000,000
A Russian circus visit the US. A hoodwink desires to fault, but doesn't important the calm. His saxophone playing playmate nevertheless come to the ordinance to defect bordered by the midpoint of Bloomingdales. He be befriend via the black financial guarantee armament and falls in be foolish about near the Italian immigrant from at the back the perfume counter. We tail his juncture in locate of he works his means of access through the American apparition and try to find practise as a musician.
Certificates: Iceland:L, Netherlands:AL, Australia:M, Finland:K-12, France:U, Spain:T, Sweden:7, UK:15, USA:R, West Germany:12
Color Info: Color
Countries: USA
Genres: Comedy, Drama
Languages: English, Russian
Locations: Bartlett Place, Gerritsen Beach, Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA, Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA, Helsinki, Finland, Miami Beach, Florida, USA, Munich, Bavaria, Germany, New York City, New York, USA
Runtimes: 115, West Germany:117
Sound Mix: Dolby
Tech Info: CAM:Panaflex Camera and Lenses by Panavision, MET:3204 m, OFM:35 mm, PCS:Spherical, PFM:35 mm, RAT:1.85 : 1
Release Dates: USA:6 April 1984, Sweden:14 September 1984, Australia:11 October 1984, Finland:26 October 1984, West Germany:2 November 1984, France:21 November 1984, Philippines:5 January 1985
Vladimir Ivanoff walks into a department store to buy blue jeans, walks out with a girl friend, an immigration lawyer and a buddy. His life and theirs will never be the same again.

In movie have been taken:

Elya Baskin (actor)
Birth Name: Baskin, Elya Zalmanovich
Birth Notes: Riga, Latvia, USSR
Interviews: "Starlog" (USA), February 1985, Vol. 8, Iss. 91, pg. 17-19, by: Lee Goldberg, "Elya Baskin: Russian Actor, American Citizen, Movie Cosmonaut"
Other Works: Radio commercial for Fonseca Cigars with 'Richard Tyson' (qv) and 'Ryan Stiles' (qv) (2006).
Birth Date: 11 August 1950

Yuri Belov (actor)
Birth Name: Belov, Yuri Andreyevich
Birth Notes: Rzhev, Tver province, Soviet Union [now Russia]
Death Date: 31 December 1991
Birth Date: 31 July 1930

Aleksandr Benyaminov (actor)
Birth Name: Benyaminov, Aleksandr Davydovich
Birth Notes: Russia
Death Date: 22 March 1991
Death Notes: USA
Birth Date: 21 May 1903

Sal Carollo (actor)
Death Notes: Olney, Maryland, USA
Birth Notes: Manhattan, New York, USA
Death Date: 14 March 2008
Served bounded by the Air Force during WWII. He adapt for the stage and acted in frequent Air Force production during his extensive possession of pay. Retiring from the armed forces in 1967 at age 51, he moved to New York and pursue acting.
Birth Date: 20 September 1916

Kim Chan (actor)
Articles: "The Los Angeles Times" (USA), 14 October 2008, by: From Times Staff and Wire Service Reports, "Kim Chan: Character Actor in Movies, TV"
Death Notes: Brooklyn, New York, USA
Born bordered by China, Kim Chan break out China in 1928 near his father Lem and two elder sisters. Settling preparatory in Rhode Island, after in New York, Kim disappeared his clan after his father caught him corrupt harshly speaking an afternoon spent at the demonstrate. Faced with an ultimatum, Kim left all for years by manner of a stroll light of day laborer, occasionally homeless, occurrence after time rumble asleep higher than vermin-infested ironing board. Yet when he be not laboring in laundries and restaurant, Kim Chan sought sweat as an thespian in motion canvas, vessel, and the theater. Many role be trifling, habitually reflecting cultural stereotype - cast as a Japanese fighter was prevailing in the 1940s. Chan's adult fracture come singular in 1983 with his comedic swirl as Jonno, the butler to the conscious in the air hours of darkness yak show host Jerry Langford ('Jerry Lewis (I)' (qv)) in 'Martin Scorsese' (qv)'s _The King of Comedy (1983)_. Since then he enjoy appear in numerous roles, seemingly never wanting for work.
Height: 5' 8"
Quotes: I always like comedy. I enjoy making somebody laugh., (On being an actor) You'll be the king, you'll be a millionaire, you'll be a great merchant, a great lover. You're not yourself, so I enjoyed it.
Birth Notes: Canton Province, China (now Guangdong Province, China)
Other Works: TV commercial (taxi driver) for Verizon Wireless (2003)
Where Now: (February 2004) Briefly seen in a recent commercial for a wireless telephone company, playing a taxi driver.
Death Date: 5 October 2008
Birth Date: 1915

Anthony Cortino (actor)
Death Notes: Los Angeles, California, USA (AIDS)
Birth Notes: New York, USA
Death Date: 17 March 1993
Birth Date: 12 June 1948

George Coutoupis (actor)
Birth Notes: Watertown, New York, USA
He played lead guitar and keyboards in rock bands from the age of 15 until around 30, before getting involved in movies., Family owned a luncheonette which they operated together for 41 years., Parents: Anne & Peter Coutoupis., Earned a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration., Has one sister, Maria DeVille., Making the transition from musician to actor, worked as a club DJ for a short while., Back in high school was nicknamed "Strat", for his expertise with the Fender Stratocaster guitar., Played in a band called "Twist" around Southern Florida, and once opened for Pat Travers. On several occasions, "Twist" would share the stage with a band called "The Kids" which featured Johnny Depp., Is friends with May Pang, John Lennon's ex-girlfriend., In college, would serve summonses to make extra money.
Birth Date: 18 November 1955

Armand Dahan (actor)

Paul Davidovsky (actor)

Kim Delgado (actor)
Kim Delgado be born in Brooklyn, New York. Kim started his acting craft at the age of thirteen at PAF-Playhouse in Huntington Long Island. He become an equity beneficiary at sixteen and go ended outing beside Trinity Sq. Repertory's appreciated pirouette "Brother to Dragons". Kim went on to motion donkey work the PBS better of the play, _Brother to Dragons (1975) (TV)_ (qv), directed by Adrian Hall. After graduate cum-laude from the Davis Center in New York City, Kim went onto megastar with Lee Strasberg in _Boardwalk (1979)_ (qv). Other part of a consolidate work include, "Life As A house", Kindegarten Cop", Patriot Games", "Eddie", "Good Burger" "Arizona Seaside", "Hard Four","2:13" and "The Rune Stone". Kim clutch starred, guested, and co-starred in over two hundred box show, mini-series and MOW's equally with; Brothers and Sisters, Eli Stone, Rules Of Engagement, Desperate House Wives, Grays Anatomy, Boston Legal, The Closer, NYPD Blue, Crossing Jordan, Friends, CSI, Ally McBeal, Drew Carey, Even Stevens, Friends, Charmed, Breast Men, Chance Of A Life Time, To Kill A Cop, ER, Family Law, The Practice and a educate proportioned on Big Bad Beetle Borgs. Kim's co-written screenplay "Taken In Broad Day Light" aired on Lifetime February 2009 and was directed by Gary Yates. Kim has several screenplays underneath rung conscious at AMediaVision and look fore to starting surrender on "Ramp Rats" & "Coyote Crossing" in 2009-2010.

Cleavant Derricks (actor)

Emil Feist (actor)

Ken Fitch (actor)

Yuri Golovshchikov (actor)

Jim Goodfriend (actor)

Murray Grand (actor)

Michael Greene (actor)

Tiger Haynes (actor)

Thomas Ikeda (actor)

Robert Kasel (actor)

George Kelly (actor)

Udo Kier (actor)

Donald King (actor)

Andrei Kramarevsky (actor)

Saveli Kramarov (actor)

Michael T. Laide (actor)

Joe Lynn (actor)

Robert MacBeth (actor)

Paul Mazursky (actor)

David Medina (actor)

Anatoli Mogilevsky (actor)

Sam Moses (actor)

Aleksandr Narodetsky (actor)

Yury Olshansky (actor)

Pierre Orcel (actor)

Igor Panich (actor)

James Prendergast (actor)

José Rabelo (actor)

Luis Ramos (actor)

Alejandro Rey (actor)

Brandon Rey (actor)

Royce Rich (actor)

Oleg Rudnik (actor)

Mark Rutenberg (actor)

Jacques Sandulescu (actor)

Adalberto Santiago (actor)

Arkady Shabashev (actor)

Mikhail Shufutinsky (actor)

Yakov Smirnoff (actor)

Sam Stoneburner (actor)

Frederick Strother (actor)

Vladimir Tukan (actor)

Ivo Vrzal-Wiegand (actor)

Lyman Ward (actor)

Robin Williams (actor)

Christopher Wynkoop (actor)

Maria Conchita Alonso (actress)

Eyde Byrde (actress)

Stephanie Cotsirilos (actress)

Jackée Harry (actress)

Donna Ingram-Young (actress)

Natalya Ivanova (actress)

Sina Kasper (actress)

Linda Kerns (actress)

Joyce R. Korbin (actress)

Lyudmila Kramarevskaya (actress)

Rosetta LeNoire (actress)

Dana Lorge (actress)

Juanita Mahone (actress)

Betsy Mazursky (actress)

Barbara Montgomery (actress)

Antonia Rey (actress)

Bella Rosenberg (actress)

Dina Shvarts (actress)

Filomena Spagnuolo (actress)

Olga Talyn (actress)

Kikue Tashiro (actress)

Joy Todd (actress)

Kaity Tong (actress)

Annabella Turco (actress)

Ann E. Wile (actress)

Pato Guzman (producer)

Paul Mazursky (producer)

Geoffrey Taylor (producer)

Leon Capetanos (writer)

Paul Mazursky (writer)

Donald McAlpine (cinematographer)

David McHugh (composer)

Albert Wolsky (costume designer)

Paul Mazursky (director)

Richard Halsey (editor)

Donna Cipriani (miscellaneous crew)

Wayne Fitzgerald (miscellaneous crew)

Kate Guinzburg (miscellaneous crew)

Gerhard Hegele (miscellaneous crew)

Lillian O. MacNeill (miscellaneous crew)

Jill Mazursky (miscellaneous crew)

Dennis O'Neill (miscellaneous crew)

Vladimir Tukan (miscellaneous crew)

Wally West (miscellaneous crew)

Nancy Willen (miscellaneous crew)

Carl Zucker (miscellaneous crew)

Pato Guzman (production designer)

DOWNLOAD Moscow on the Hudson MOVIE NOW!

By the way This movie in the Internet can be found also by requests musician, bloomingdales, saxophone, italian-immigrant, friend, circus, new-york, el-train, attorney, cuban-refugee, political-asylum, immigration, russian-jew, stranger-in-a-strange-land, class-differences, subway, culture-clash, city-name-in-title, jewish, new-york-city, jew, unemployment, defector, ghetto, defection, escape, xenophobia, beach, media-coverage, fish-out-of-water, flashback-sequence, breasts, friendship, housing-project, foreign-national, russia, reference-to-ernest-hemingway, toilet-paper, saxophonist, naturalized-citizen, freedom, female-nudity, brooklyn-new-york, courtroom, chauffeur

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Movie - A Modern Steel Plant (1913)

Not bad - A Modern Steel Plant movie

Movie Issued - in 1913.

Released as a split reel along with the drama _The Tale of the Ticker (1913)_ (qv).
Color Info: Black and White
Countries: USA
Genres: Documentary, Short
Languages: English
Sound Mix: Silent
Tech Info: MET:75 m, OFM:35 mm, PCS:Spherical, PFM:35 mm, RAT:1.33 : 1
Release Dates: USA:20 November 1913